Friday, 31 December 2010

and HNY

Thursday, 23 December 2010

Merry Christmas

Taking a wee blog break..............hope Santa is good to you all, see you in 2011!!

Monday, 13 December 2010

At Last

It's been a few days since my last post, been waiting to thaw out, hee hee...............had another burst pipe since blogging about the last but everything under control now....
This is the last week of classes before the big Christmas break and I have lots of new photos to add to flickr so be sure to click on my flickr buttons to check out the works in progress.
There are too many to show in this post but I would like to highlight one or two.....................

First of all, my beginners - another great bunch of ladies who all get on so well together, so much so we all went out for lunch after class last week, except poor Denise who was snowbound - we thought of you Denise, as we tucked in.................

 Unlike previous years, most of my beginners have now had a wee dabble with patchwork, eg, by doing the shop class. for those ladies I added a bit of a challenge in adding extra blocks or more difficult blocks and they all rose to that challenge. Jean, however, who made the above quilt hadn't tried it before at all and stuck with the original brief - it has turned out beautifully and her choice of applique was inspired by Marjorie who had also opted for a Celtic motif.........these are all works in progress and have yet to be transformed by wadding etc....can't wait!!

 This is Helen's interpretation of the Cabin in the Woods project - she has personalised it with a Scottish meets Mexican flavour, colours are just fantastic aren't they?
I wanted to highlight the cactus - do you see how she has stitched the buttonhole stitch the opposite way from usual? - it has made the cactus prickly and realistic - brilliant.

Lastly, this is Joyce's Cabin in the Woods and is a representation of her own house, near Oban (yes, they come from far and wide...) The detail on this wee quilt is superb and shows great embroidery you can hardly wait for the Open Night!!

Sunday, 5 December 2010

a bit of a thaw

I will post some more pix of lovely quilts soon but no time today...........we had a lovely day out in Glasgow yesterday, family lunch out at Amore in Ingram Street, yummy. Then Allan and I branched off to the Glasgow Film Theatre to see the third in the Millennium trilogy of films. I think we will be happy to watch all of them again when the DVDs come out.......... you may recall an earlier blog this week bemoaning the fact that the pipes in the garage were frozen - well, whilst we were guzzling and enjoying the cinema, one of the pipes had burst - deep joy! As we pulled on to the drive at about 6.15 the water was pouring down towards the road and apparently had been since midday.-our poor neighbour had been terribly worried and totally unable to make contact with us., it's been a busy, mucky Sunday.
Hope to return to things of a sewing nature soon...................
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