Ok folks, I am sorry to see that some of you are finding it hard to link to info on the Mystery Quilt. I really hope I have not confused you but the group is growing so reckon some of you are managing.
So, first of all if you click HERE you will be directed to the first handout of the Mystery - fabric requirements and some general guidelines.
Clicking HERE takes you to the Mystery Quilt flickr group that I set up - this will be where participants in the QAL can discuss the project, upload photos of their blocks and generally get to know each other.
I have also set up a new page in my header for this QAL where I will be listing all the links to the handouts as I post them.
Good luck, keep persevering and do email me if you are still having problems.
Saturday, 30 April 2011
Friday, 29 April 2011
Don't Judge a Book by its Cover
On Thursday, we held our first Summer workshop since classes finished at the end of March. Everyone worked on the same themed bookcover, a garden scene, perhaps for a gardener's notebook, but I think most of the ladies left the workshop planning their own variations.
Wedding Nerves
Sorry about the techno glitch..............I got wind of a typo in the original Mystery Quilt doc so deleted it from scribD and uploaded a fresh one - unfortunately didn't update the link. All well now - click here for doc............now back to Westminster Abbey..........
Thursday, 28 April 2011
Mystery Quilt a long
Just a little early, I have responded to a request to post details of fabric requirements for my Mystery Quilt a long.
So, here they are ready to be downloaded. Just click on the link.
Join in any time, the button on the sidebar will take you to my flickr group where you can join in the chat and share your fabric choices and blocks as you make them. No pressure..........
So, here they are ready to be downloaded. Just click on the link.
Join in any time, the button on the sidebar will take you to my flickr group where you can join in the chat and share your fabric choices and blocks as you make them. No pressure..........
Sunday, 24 April 2011
A Few of my Favourite Things

My Brit Swap Mosaic, a photo by bluepatchquilter on Flickr.
In the last couple of weeks, Lynne from Lily's Quilts has set up a flickr group for UK quilters to join - it's a great way to share ideas, quilt pix and just get to know what's happening in our quilt world. We are planning a quilt swap - never taken part in one myself so a bit hazy on the details but to enter we have to put together a mosaic which will give your swap partner an idea of your preferences.........so I looked thro my photos and came up with the above mosaic of my favourite things, it was great fun to put together.
Saturday, 23 April 2011
Sheila's Star
Following on from my QAYG post on Lily's Quilts , I thought I would share my much used quilting pattern with you.
Everyone who comes to my classes gets to know "Sheila's Star" - I came up with it a few years back in an effort to cover a block with a pattern in a continuous line. You always start it in a corner, and will end the pattern by returning to that first corner - if you have e.g., four blocks lying in a square, you could conceivably quilt this star without stopping, if you start in the centre where the four blocks meet. (you can of course, stop to breathe......)
It's a brilliant wee pattern and can be used in any square or rectangular area, small, or large.
I have recently completed quilting a project and wanted a star shaped pattern, but just a little lighter than usual, so missed a couple of steps out and now have the alternative, Sheila's Mini Star.
If you click on the highlighted links you will be able to download handouts with diagrams for each of these stars.
Everyone who comes to my classes gets to know "Sheila's Star" - I came up with it a few years back in an effort to cover a block with a pattern in a continuous line. You always start it in a corner, and will end the pattern by returning to that first corner - if you have e.g., four blocks lying in a square, you could conceivably quilt this star without stopping, if you start in the centre where the four blocks meet. (you can of course, stop to breathe......)
It's a brilliant wee pattern and can be used in any square or rectangular area, small, or large.
I have recently completed quilting a project and wanted a star shaped pattern, but just a little lighter than usual, so missed a couple of steps out and now have the alternative, Sheila's Mini Star.
If you click on the highlighted links you will be able to download handouts with diagrams for each of these stars.
Thursday, 21 April 2011
Mystery Quilt a long
I am going to shamelessly plug my Mystery Quilt a long...................do think about joining in, no pressure to finish in a set time, another chance to buy fabric.......go on, you know you want to.............and maybe you know someone else who might like to have a go?? Spread the word.
Why don't you join the flickr group and grab a button from the sidebar for your own blog.
and remember........non-bloggers welcome to join the fun.
Why don't you join the flickr group and grab a button from the sidebar for your own blog.
and remember........non-bloggers welcome to join the fun.
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
A Significant Day
Today is my birthday - happy birthday to me. I am writing this quite early on because I am excited to share with you the news that I have a guest spot today on Lily's Quilts. Lynne and I had a few virtual conversations over the weekend about a quilt I had made some time ago and she was interested in the way my classes approach their quilting. Her flickr group has been discussing different ways of QAYG so today is my contribution to the discussion, thanks Lynne.
Meanwhile I am enjoying brekkie,cards and pressies - check out this fab gift from Liz........isn't it great having friends who know you so well, she has not long returned from a trip to India, this is a perfect gift, thanks Liz.
My next piece of news is a bit of fun. I have decided to host a Mystery Quilt a long.......I ran this Mystery Quilt programme in my classes a few years back and am unlikely to repeat this project in class, so thought I'd share it here. I don't want to put anyone under heaps of pressure so can take the pace as steady as you want, I had thought fortnightly or monthly postings of blocks? Think we could take the month of May to sign up, get some info out and let everyone think about fabric (the best bit!)and then first block posted early June?
I have set up a flickr group for you to join here and of course, it would be great if you would join me here at bluepatchquilter, as a follower.This is of course, open to all the ladies in my classes who missed the Mystery Quilt project.
Thanks to Lynne's great tutorial, I also have a button if you would like to put it on your blog.

Meanwhile I am enjoying brekkie,cards and pressies - check out this fab gift from Liz........isn't it great having friends who know you so well, she has not long returned from a trip to India, this is a perfect gift, thanks Liz.
My next piece of news is a bit of fun. I have decided to host a Mystery Quilt a long.......I ran this Mystery Quilt programme in my classes a few years back and am unlikely to repeat this project in class, so thought I'd share it here. I don't want to put anyone under heaps of pressure so can take the pace as steady as you want, I had thought fortnightly or monthly postings of blocks? Think we could take the month of May to sign up, get some info out and let everyone think about fabric (the best bit!)and then first block posted early June?
I have set up a flickr group for you to join here and of course, it would be great if you would join me here at bluepatchquilter, as a follower.This is of course, open to all the ladies in my classes who missed the Mystery Quilt project.
Thanks to Lynne's great tutorial, I also have a button if you would like to put it on your blog.

<div align="center"><a href="http://www.bluepatchquilter.blogspot.com" title="bluepatchquilter"><img src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5223/5631750802_c83e79eabb_s.jpg" alt="bluepatchquilter" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
Monday, 18 April 2011
One thing I have really enjoyed about blogging is seeing all the modern stuff out there, I find it all so refreshing and inspiring.
In January I bought myself a charm pack, Authentic by Sweetwater, for Moda............never really got into pre-cuts so I have just looked at my charm pack a few times and popped it back in its drawer. But, last week, I bought some co-ordinating plains, (or solids!) and made this runner.........originally to be for my double-width chest of drawers but will now be put to use on my kitchen table, when it's finished.
So - does it qualify as modern??
Today, I managed to piece the centre circle on my BLG block - it really is quite a few years since I did such intricate piecing and I did a bit of unpicking when joining the segments together - I might have got on better if I had read Lynne's instructions before rather than later..........it's a wee bit wibbly wobbly, but I am quite happy with it.
Lastly, I seem to have picked up a couple of new followers this week - welcome , great having you onboard, hope you'll call back often.
In January I bought myself a charm pack, Authentic by Sweetwater, for Moda............never really got into pre-cuts so I have just looked at my charm pack a few times and popped it back in its drawer. But, last week, I bought some co-ordinating plains, (or solids!) and made this runner.........originally to be for my double-width chest of drawers but will now be put to use on my kitchen table, when it's finished.
So - does it qualify as modern??
Today, I managed to piece the centre circle on my BLG block - it really is quite a few years since I did such intricate piecing and I did a bit of unpicking when joining the segments together - I might have got on better if I had read Lynne's instructions before rather than later..........it's a wee bit wibbly wobbly, but I am quite happy with it.
Lastly, I seem to have picked up a couple of new followers this week - welcome , great having you onboard, hope you'll call back often.
Friday, 15 April 2011
Spring Cleaning
Those of you who know me, know how fond I am of my Husqvarna "Lily" - I regularly clean under her feed dogs and dismantle the bobbin case to dislodge all the fluff and feel very satisfied at doing so.
Well, Lily has been feeling a bit sluggish of late, not at all Spring like and I was beginning to think she was showing signs of age (she is 9)
... I work in our local fabric shop and every couple of weeks John comes to tend to sick sewing machines so today I decided it was tie for Lily to pay a visit...........John made a start on her service and after a few minutes called me thro to the back shop................
shocking or what!! Yes, what looks like a layer of fur is pretty much just that!
The reason I blog this is that I consider myself as someone who looks after my machine and therefore reckon I can do without servicing it too often...............it's been about two years since she was in bits like this!
So, got home and was eager to have a go at sewing something now that Lily was feeling better - decided to join in Lynne's Big Little George block here. I grabbed my first scrap box which just happened to be Christmas stuff - yes, in April........and really enjoyed making the first two rings, it's a while since I made anything so intricate and it was fun.
Not sure which fabric to use in the centre, I am trying to use what I have and I am leaning towards the busy picture scene as I am unlikely to use it elsewhere...............any suggestions?
Well, Lily has been feeling a bit sluggish of late, not at all Spring like and I was beginning to think she was showing signs of age (she is 9)
... I work in our local fabric shop and every couple of weeks John comes to tend to sick sewing machines so today I decided it was tie for Lily to pay a visit...........John made a start on her service and after a few minutes called me thro to the back shop................
shocking or what!! Yes, what looks like a layer of fur is pretty much just that!
The reason I blog this is that I consider myself as someone who looks after my machine and therefore reckon I can do without servicing it too often...............it's been about two years since she was in bits like this!
So, got home and was eager to have a go at sewing something now that Lily was feeling better - decided to join in Lynne's Big Little George block here. I grabbed my first scrap box which just happened to be Christmas stuff - yes, in April........and really enjoyed making the first two rings, it's a while since I made anything so intricate and it was fun.
Not sure which fabric to use in the centre, I am trying to use what I have and I am leaning towards the busy picture scene as I am unlikely to use it elsewhere...............any suggestions?
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
Handmade - Pay it forward
I have joined Janice's Pay it Forward plan - would you like to join too?
How does it work?
How does it work?
- I will make a little something for the first 3 people who comment on this post. It will be a surprise and it will arrive when you least expect it.
- I will have 365 days to do it in. What's the catch? To get a handmade present from me, you have to play too! This means YOU pledge to send a little handmade something to 3 readers of your blog. It doesn't have to be quilty - just handmade.
- You must have a blog.
- Once you receive your "little something", you must post about your Pay it Forward on your blog to keep the fun going - be sure to use the Pay It Forward badge.
Thursday, 7 April 2011
Ellie and Laurie Fund
"We would like to thank you very much for your donation towards Ellie and Laurie’s fund for their life changing operation, your name will be added to our thank you page on our website.
Your donation has help increase our total which has brought us closer to our target.
Keep checking our website for up-to-date information on our progress and up and coming events or follow us on our facebook page. Ellie and Laurie fund."
Your donation has help increase our total which has brought us closer to our target.
Keep checking our website for up-to-date information on our progress and up and coming events or follow us on our facebook page. Ellie and Laurie fund."
Saturday, 2 April 2011
Actions speak louder than words.............
A big thank you to everyone who came along to the Open Evening on Friday, to those who helped me set up after a particularly difficult day, to those who manned the Bring and Buy, to those who supplied all the "stuff" for the Bring and buy, (we raised a fabulous £330) and to all my lovely ladies who worked so hard to provide me with exhibits..........each year we have a viwers' choice and this year, Margaret was the winner with this fabulous version of the "Cabin in the Woods" project.
Well done all of you, enjoy your summer and keep reading the blog!!
A big thank you to everyone who came along to the Open Evening on Friday, to those who helped me set up after a particularly difficult day, to those who manned the Bring and Buy, to those who supplied all the "stuff" for the Bring and buy, (we raised a fabulous £330) and to all my lovely ladies who worked so hard to provide me with exhibits..........each year we have a viwers' choice and this year, Margaret was the winner with this fabulous version of the "Cabin in the Woods" project.
Well done all of you, enjoy your summer and keep reading the blog!!
Friday, 1 April 2011
End of term.........
It's been quite a week and has come to a finale with the Open Night tonight for all my classes - more of that later when I sort out all the pics.
As I have been so busy lately, I haven't really made all that much but have made a few of these potstands..........
........demonstrating the technique at each class.....they feature Somerset folded patchwork and I hope to post the instructions soon with maybe a wee tutorial.
SO, over at Lily's Quilts, Lynne is hosting a linky for us to say what project has made us happy in the last month and I guess I have been happy to make these wee potstands...........
As I have been so busy lately, I haven't really made all that much but have made a few of these potstands..........
........demonstrating the technique at each class.....they feature Somerset folded patchwork and I hope to post the instructions soon with maybe a wee tutorial.
SO, over at Lily's Quilts, Lynne is hosting a linky for us to say what project has made us happy in the last month and I guess I have been happy to make these wee potstands...........
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