Saturday, 20 June 2015


So, since I last posted life has been quite hectic and exciting.

We had a nice relaxing week's holiday in Portugal, scorchio weather unlike our weather here now, brrr.
The night before we left for our break, my son phoned to let us know that he and his lovely girlfriend had got engaged. Much squealing and excitement by Mrs Bluepatch!!

I have a quilt in mind..............

Whilst away, the big discovery was Portugese custard tarts - how could I have lived so long without these scrumptious delights?
Upon my return I discovered that our local Coop sold pretty good versions of the same thing, yum.

Whilst away I finally discovered the delights of Skype.

Whilst away I sewed..........I joined together those weeny hexies for My Small World QAL and I stitched a couple of applique blocks that I had prepared in haste the night before leaving. The lovely Katy had reminded me of the method that uses iron on interfacing and I carefully stitched petals to the Vilene ready to progress while I was away - I only went and put it on back to front - some teacher me!!
Never mind, I soldiered on.

Whilst away I discovered that my lovely online pal Salley had fallen and badly broken her ankle - a lengthy recovery programme has put paid to her plans for a trip to Europe later this year and an eagerly anticipated visit to The Stitch Gathering. Bummer doesn't begin to cover it! We will meet one day!!!

Since getting back I have become slightly obsessed with My Small World project - hard to believe I have been dealing with such weeny pieces but I am so enjoying it, I have decided to try and use up lots of teeny bonus HSTs from previous projects....................I have a few.

and enjoyed different layouts.

I strayed from the pattern a bit..............but have now finished Part 1............

Stay tuned for Sheila's daring foray into...........needleturn applique.

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