Friday, 25 March 2016


I have had a hugely busy time since  my last post! Little did I realise the impact my simple request on the blog & IG would have.

Almost immediately the postman was delivering packages on a daily basis and fat quarters just poured in, (I stopped counting at 150) plus notions, plus yardage, plus pre cuts, plus zippy bags, pouches, dollies'sleeping bags - oh the kindness has been overwhelming.

Having previously worked in our local fabric shop, I have spent many a pleasant hour, sorting and matching and have lovely co-ordinated bundles to offer at the Open Day.

In advance of the big day, I have sold a couple of my old quilts, a donated sewing machine, tickets for the Edinburgh Knitting & Stitching Show, (kindly donated by one of my students), received donations, sold some fabric already, and all in all, have in excess of £500 already - all to go to Glasgow Children's Hospital Charity (Yorkhill)
I also have in excess of 60 packages ready for a Lucky Dip, and loads of "stuff" for our sales table.

The Open Day is on Sunday 3rd April in Alloway Village Hall (opposite Burns Cottage) from 11 -3 and as well as all the sales, there will be teas & coffees and home baking and of course, quilts, reflecting the 12years of my classes. Do come if you can.

So, of course, I will post after the event to report on the final sum realised, as well as showing off the quilts etc., BUT, I just wanted to say a huge thank you to all of you out there who responded to my appeal - together, we are going to make a difference.

As well as coping with my extra post, the last two weeks has seen me wrapping up 12 years of teaching my classes so emotions (mine) have been running a little high. I have been thoroughly spoiled by my ladies. It's been a quick 12 years and many friends have been made along the way. I know our paths will continue to cross in the future and look forward to meeting up often.

Since Christmas all classes have been working on "Return to the Valley" - this was an abridged version of a project we did back in 2007. There was scope for a fair bit of individuality and here is a glimpse of some of the work completed. Well done ladies, you have all been brilliant!!

Stay tuned.

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