Saturday, 26 June 2010

Tired, but Happy

All went well, 10/10 to BT for coming good with their promise of the broadband being up and running - brilliant service.

Just had to share a funny moment from moving day - one of the removal men (from Thomsons - they were brill), came downstairs in our old house quite early on into the whole process.......he said,
"nearly walked off the job there, saw a box marked "Christmas in July 2010" !!!

A true LOL moment.........

Thursday, 24 June 2010


Last post before we unplug the BT Hub.

Tomorrow is our big move and I am just having a wee sit down and was just in time to see the conclusion of the epic tennis match - did anyone see it? 70 -68 in the 5th set, record breaking in every way and what a shame someone had to lose.

We are now completely surrounded by boxes and our poor wee cat is becoming increasingly confused. Her transition to the new house is worrying us more than anything else but I am sure she'll be fine.

It's been a super summer so far and only one month to go until Christmas in July!! Fabric requirements have been e mailed - still waiting for confirmation that all who are attending have received the mail but I'll have plenty of time to sort that out next week as long as I can find the right box...LOL.

Sunday, 20 June 2010

Worth Waiting For

I have received the following photo of Helene Rowell's Pic'n'Mix quilt which she has recently completed. I just love the colour combination. If anyone else out there has completed a class project or indeed some personal piece of work, I would be happy to share it with others via my blog...........

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

10 more sleeps................

................until the big move!

We are slowly becoming submerged under the mountain of boxes. Every day I become a wee bit more ruthless and toss stuff into the recycling box, trying to grasp the meaning of "downsize".

Amidst all this excitement we will be off to a Silver Wedding BBQ on Saturday - weather permitting as always. Allan's brother Iain & wife Karyn will be our hosts and having lived in Oz for about 7yrs, are experts at tossing shrimps on the barbie (not necessarily under a brollie tho')

Anyway, as promised here is my wallhanging which started life as leftovers from the quilt I made for them a year or so back. The eagle-eyed amongst you might also spot some of the fabric from our next years project, once again, Moda Fig Tree range, love it.

My original title for the quilt is "25 Hearts" and is a copy of the one I made for our own 25th, 5yrs ago (eek!!)....this one has a few extras as I have made use of my lovely embroidery machine to make a couple of the hearts and also to do the label.

So, my machines are all packed and ready for their new home, no more sewing for a while..........oh, except for another wee project I have been working on - I picked up an old wicker workbox at our Bring and Buy and have enjoyed restoring its lining and top, hope you like it.....

no prizes for guessing which fabric I used..................................

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Summer Daze

It's getting harder and harder to sew now that the sun is shining and the house move draws closer...............but, I have completed the baby quilt below for sister & brother in-law, Lynn & Craig, who are expecting their second baby around the middle of July. As you will see it is a very simple affair with 6" squares punctuated here and there with pinwheel blocks. I appliqued my favourite teddy which some of you may remember from my great big bed quilt. He originated from an Australian magazine a few years back. I always like to use a faux suede for his body, to add a bit of texture.Unusually for me, I have used a 4oz polyester wadding and machine tied it, adding just the minimum of actual machine quilting!

Most of the fabric for the teddy quilt is from the shop, from Fig Tree Quilts, by Moda, gorgeous range.
I am almost finished my second summer project, a wallhanging for another sister & brother in law, who will be celebrating their Silver Wedding in a couple of weeks. Will post a pic as soon as it is finished.
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