Saturday, 16 July 2011

Tiny Piecing

Moved on a little this evening with my DQS quilt..............I changed it up a little, was a bit worried that my pieces weren't as small as others were producing, this is my first mini. Then I had a bit of a eureka moment and thought I could make the HSTs in the centre strip a little smaller so re-sized them to 1.5" finished and added an extra couple to make it fit in with the others. I am quite happy with the result.
This is not the sort of wee quilt I thought I'd be making but I think it fits the bill quite well, look forward to letting you know why..........
 And finally..........a giveaway of an Accuquilt Baby Go HERE another chance to get our mitts on one!


  1. I'm liking it!!! I love the teeny tiny HST's in the middle.

  2. That's looking really good. The tiny HST's are so dainty


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