Sunday, 22 September 2013

The Great Tapestry of Scotland

Last Friday, as a special birthday treat for my OH, we went through to Edinburgh to see The Great Tapestry of Scotland. (Lucky man isn't he)
For those of you who have not heard of it, the tapestry is technically 160 panels of intricate & beautifully crafted embroider/crewel work that depicts the history of Scotland from the Ice Age right up to the modern day. It was crafted by 1000 people in Scotland and for more info I recommend you visit the official site.
The tapestry was exhibited for 3 weeks until 21st September, in the Parliament Building at Holyrood.
This is one of the side views as we walked around the building. And then we joined the queue - we were told the estimated time to get in would be about 1hour!!
But time passed quickly in such beautiful surroundings.
Not long now.........this post is going to get a bit picture heavy now, I couldn't resist snapping away. So in no particular order....................

Can you spot Andy Murray?

This one is for you Sarah

This one celebrates the hospital where I was born.

If any of that has whetted your appetite, the exhibition is to embark upon a world tour - maybe it will come near to where you live. If so, don't miss it.


  1. These embroideries are so fabulous. Jo Bearpaw posted some pics a while ago and I've loved seeing yours too. Maybe it will visit NI sometime!

  2. Bet Andy Murray never thought he'd end up next to Maw Broon ;o)

  3. I would love to see it, I was reading about it on Jo Avery's blog, both the making of their panel and her post about the whole tapestry. Maybe it will come to Canada.

  4. A lucky man, indeedy!
    Great Photos, and very clever stitchers.

  5. Thank you for posting thebeautiful photos! I doubt I will ever get to see it in person. It is so inspiring it leaves me speechless. What a wonderful piece of art! I visited Scotland once. It is one of the most beautiful places on earth! Thanks again for sharing!

  6. I finally got to see it last week and was bowled over by the skill! Sometimes I couldn't even speak I was choked up at the effort and dedication of so many women all for one cause. The stitching and the design was wonderful and I will definitely need to see it again - hope it tours very soon.
    Thanks for the photos - I didn't take my camera with me on the day.

  7. I would LOVE to see this tapestry - I watched an article about it on The One Show last's so beautiful. I love the Shinty panel and The East India Co. panel. Lucky you and thanks for sharing the pics :)

  8. wowsers I think I need a trip home!

  9. Hopefully it visits Oz, either that or I'll need to come visit again when its back in Scotland after its world tour.

  10. Oooh! I saw this on the news the other day and it is definitely something I would love to see for real. It just looks exquisite! xCathy

  11. Thank you so very much for sharing. I loved all the many pictures. I don't know if it will make it to the US.

  12. Every time I see photos of the tapestry I am stunned by its beauty. I hope to see it in person one day.


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