Sunday, 30 December 2018

Last Post of 2018

In the many months since my last post I have thought about my blog, should I just give it up for good or have a stab at continuing? Dilemma.
Whatever I decide to do I can't just bow out without a goodbye, not after all these years and the friendships that it has produced.

Instead of wittering on about what I have done or not done this year I reckon a pictorial round up might suffice, let's see if I can dredge up one or two pictures per month to reflect my 2018............or at least since my last post in March.


 A fab holiday to Australia


 including a visit to Amitie Textiles, swoon....

Had a lovely day with Salley who I "met" through blogging.

May & June

May saw a little progress on this slow burner which is still a WIP but one that I am keen to keep going with.

This was a first attempt using Lewis and Irene's Big Bear Little Bear fabric to make a baby quilt. I used my own simple Charm Square quilt pattern, and it went off to a good home.

Landscapers moved in to do a 5 day job.....................

They obviously liked my tea & biscuits................

As the job took 5 months! But it was a lovely summer and who can blame them for making hay while the sun shone.


I had a 2nd attempt with the Big Bear fabic. It went to the new baby daughter of my son's best man & his wife - it was sooo well received.

Paddling pools flew off the shop shelves

and the joiners moved in!!

                                          on the sewing front I was working on a magazine project..............

I reorganised my sewing room and finally got my 2001 quilt on to a bed!


Back to school, P2!

Our brilliant joiners took away our old staircase and fitted a new one.

And worked a little magic with my sewing machine

And, of course, there was the Festival of Quilts


The patriarch of our family celebrated his 88th birthday with the whole family, including his two grandsons, and great grand daughter, sadly the last day he would spend in his own home.

I worked on a special baby quilt.


We said goodbye to Grandad Bert.


 I did a little Hallowe'en stitching




The circle of life goes on. We welcomed baby Macie Florence Agnes, daughter to our son & beautiful daughter in law.

So of course I got sewing.......


Managed to get this made in time - a wonderful pattern by Elizabeth Hartman, Lisa the Unicorn.

for my wee Christmas Elf,

who broke her arm on Christmas Eve.

But we still managed a Merry Christmas.

I had my table runner featured in the current issue of Today's Quilter, thrilled with the way it was styled.

And we are up to date for anyone still reading.

And for 2019? maybe a little blogging if I summon the energy, definitely more sewing. I have WIPs to finish and a baby quilt to start & finish. Like buses, none come for ages and then you get two at same time - we are excitedly awaiting the arrival of a grandson in early March, a wee baby brother for Ava.

Busy days ahead.

Happy New Year to you all.

Sunday, 11 March 2018

Chilly Sewing

Looking back to my last post how silly of me to suggest Spring was in the air, how wrong could I be?

To be fair, here in Ayr we (whispers) had no snow! Cold, yes, but no lying snow - we are so fortunate to be sheltered by the Isle of Arran although of course other parts of Ayrshire not a million miles away suffered the snowy disruption that much of the UK did. We did for a brief moment in time share the fuel, bread and milk shortages, but really nothing too dramatic.

So on those cold days and with my OH away for a little longer than planned due to air traffic delays (weather related) I got on with some sewing.

My Bella Sampler, still in three sections but now has wadding and backing cut into three appropriate sections also. Quilting will commence in the fullness of time.

The Irish Chain quilt that I shared with you has grown slightly in real life and much more on paper.

I showed you my original plan - just nine blocks.

But I decided to explore the options of adding in lots of LV blocks and have come up with this option - 25 blocks! It'll be a slow burner as I work through my scraps cutting squares when I feel like it and sewing blocks whenever. I intend to enjoy the process.

 I also worked on an updated version of an old class project, Topsy. My original class sample was made using Christmas colours so for this new version I chose a Lewis and Irene range called Island Girl that reminded me of Disney's Moana. When finished, it will of course go to a small person I know. (wink)
These photos show my progress, it also has been layered up and awaits quilting!!

I do hope eventually to add this version to my original pattern and offer it for sale but I seem to work pretty slowly these days so it might be a while yet...........

Sprinkled in to my sewing there were a couple of gifts, a rope bowl which was very well received.] and I joined with my Bee Buddies to make a couple of baby quilts for another Bee Grannie to be (!!)

I attended my first meeting of the Ayrshire Modern Quilters' Guild - it is held in the most super accommodation right on the platform of Kilmarnock train station - the old waiting room has been beautifully converted into a really comfortable multi purpose room, bright and cheerful and through a connecting door is the equally pleasant cafe. Genius.

And finally on the sewing front I have continued to make (2) my Attic Window cushions in Amanda's classes. As I will miss the final two classes I ramped up my progress on these and have completed one. I absolutely love the fabric I chose for this project but on completion I wish I had used stronger tones for my "window sills"...........always learning.

This is cushion #1 all layered up and quilted (YES) - I always add the back sections to the front and quilt as one before binding the short ends and folding, enveloped style. Makes for a really luxurious cushion.
And here is an actual finish!!

And finally, here in the UK it's Mother's Day. Not only will I be lucky enough to spend time today with both my "children" and their spouses, but we will all be celebrating my grand daughter Ava's 6th birthday - she is excited beyond belief about her birthday and the excitement will continue on as she is getting my old Janome 3/4 sized machine, a sewing basket full of goodies and a promise of sewing lessons from Grandma. We'll see how that goes.............

Have a great Sunday wherever you are.xx

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