Wednesday, 6 February 2019


Just a quick post today - now that we are reviving our blogs it is so good when you lovely readers leave a comment, believe me it is much appreciated.
As always happened before, I receive an email when someone comments and I would always reply. However, some bloggers are no - reply bloggers meaning their email address is not visible to me and therefore I am sadly unable to comment.

Leaving a comment within the body of my blog post seems a bit silly as I would doubt a reader would return to an already read post.

I also think there might be a complication follwing the data protection rules that were changed last year but I makeno pretence of understanding what those might be.

In summary, if you commented on my last post, many thanks. If you have not received a personal reply from me it is because you are a no - reply blogger.

This article might help you to resolve the problem.

Good luck.


  1. I know, I am a sent a lot more han usual...I did get an email from you, Sheila, but it was a link that I didn't dare click one...looked like spam. Glad to have you back

  2. there were some issues initially with the whole GDPR thing, some people weren't able to comment at all, but i think it pretty much got sorted out.

  3. You made an article that is interesting.


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