Sunday, 31 May 2020

Furtling through May

Continuing on immediately from last month, I can confirm another lockdown finish with my very large Bella Solids Sampler from 2017.


A bit picture heavy - after joining the three sections I went back in to quilt all the solid white sections, just crossing over the lines already there to give a checkerboard look. I loved the binding and for the first time, I machined the binding down. I was more than happy with the look of it and it saved me 4 sides of an 85" quilt. 
It was just after I started quilting this one that I found out that my niece Jaime was rather more front line NHS than I 'd realised. As a physio I had no idea her skills would be required for patients on ventilators, I hadn't put it together in my head. I was so full of admiration for her that I wondered if she might like to have the quilt. After it was finished I did a bit of sleuthing and was assured that she liked it and now she has it, is chuffed to bits. So am I for it to have found such a worthy home.

My next project is actually for Jaime's sister, Hope, who is expecting her first baby, in 9 weeks time.Both girls were born in Australia so I wanted a nod to this in my quilt. Lewis and Irene have a range of "Small Animals", one featuring Aussie animals - I chose the one on an ochre background and am using it for the backing. I have constructed simple sashed blocks for the front, each block appliqued on my embroidery machine with a cute animal.

The appliques were done on plain white cotton. I wanted the sashing to be a pale grey blender and already had a grey Makower "Dimples" but felt it a lttle dark. I got "Pearl" online and actually love it as a low volume blender but it's a teeny bit lighter than I envisaged for this quilt but it is for a baby and has a lovely soft look. The perils of online shopping, I must keep a swatch file for the future.
So only the quilting to do on this, it is basted and pinned but a cut finger this week has prevented a serious quilting session.

I now have three quilts to quilt starting with my scrap Irish Chain which I look forward to seeing as a proper quilt. 
In between sewing and quilting this month I managed to pull off a knitting "commission" for my Granddaughter Ava who spotted, George the dog on one of my books. Not a natural knitter I found this pretty difficult especially when I had to find and use tiny circular needles. I was taught to knit with my right hand needle firmly tucked underarm. Trying to knit with teeny wee circular pins had me feeling like a Borrower. But George was finished and his continuing progress had been a source of Face Time fun for Ava. George has now gone to his new home and is much loved.

And our local park the other day -

Before I go, you might remember that at the start of lockdown, way beck in March, I linked my Etsy patterns here, for free. As we begin to ease out of tight lockdown I have decided it is time for them to return to work and they will be relisted on Etsy.

Archie The Wonder Dog


  1. The Bella quilt is gorgeous and what a wonderful way to say thank you to your niece for her work. Hooray for finishes (and for physios)! *waves pompoms* The baby quilt is also gorgeous, but the definite star of the post is George! Hooray for woolly finishes and new chums! *waves pompoms* Thanks for furtling xx

  2. Your Bella solids quilt is fantastic! And such a worthy home xx

  3. A beautiful finish, and a lovely baby quilt on progress!
    Feel free to join the TGIFF link party today, and Patchwork & Quilts link party on Sunday ;)

  4. Such lovely stories. Well done with George and the quilts! You are doing terrific!


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