I also blame my laptop which I have grown very fond of. It was a cast off several months ago, from my son, and I have found it very handy of an evening, I am able to plan on EQ6 and search out new ideas etc for my classes. The only problem has been the USB connections did not work so any work I wanted to save had to be emailed to myself upstairs. This means I also have to go upstairs to upload photos etc. However, during a tidy out this week, I came across a "product recovery CD" which Allan did things with, and I now have working USBs - well chuffed.
I meant to update this blog right after Monochrome Magic - Take 2, which was held on Sunday 31st January. The day went very well and it was nice to experience such a relaxing day of handwork for a change. and unlike the previous Sunday which had me a little uptight about the parking restrictions etc, I managed to take along my camera to record some of the work in progress.
Since then, I have been busy planning for next year already, sorting dates and projects.
I have had to change the date for the Open Evening due to overbooking, it will now be Thursday 1st April in rooms 9 & 10.
Meanwhile, enjoy the pics............