Friday, 9 November 2012

Update on Help for Sandy

In my last post, I put out a plea to my classes for blocks for the Hurricane Sandy Appeal. Before I could collect in any blocks I discovered that the appeal had closed at 300 blocks! Yes, - 300 blocks.
I contacted Jennifer at Knotted Thread, who has masterminded this drive and sh e has agreed to take whatever blocks I have. I suggested piecing into a top and  I would need 30 blocks to do this. Today, I am happy to report that 30 blocks were achieved.
Thank you to all the ladies this week that responded to my appeal and who managed to produce blocks at such short notice despite a local shortage of white cotton!!
Thank you, Janet, Wendy, Pat, Caryl, Freda, Amanda, Clare, Eleanor, Audrey, Maggie and Marjorie (who made an astounding 10 blocks!!).
                                  I should have the top finished tomorrow to show you.


  1. What an amazing achievement by your ladies

  2. Brilliant - you ladies did great xxx

  3. Excellent. It is so nice to see how fast people are responding to this and sending blocks, quilts, etc.

  4. WOW! Thank you! I cant wait to see it!!

  5. People are generally ready to help given th opportunity. So pleased your ladies stepped up and did so fantastic!

  6. What a great group of ladies you have in your classes! (That includes you, in case you were wondering!)

  7. Congratulations! Wonderful work!


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