Sunday 6 February 2011


Today was the last workshop in the ABC series where those attending had the chance to make a big quilt - everyone followed the Contrary Wife block pattern and as usual, no two have turned out the same. Unfortunately due to illness, we had a few abscences wishes to those affected and hopefully you will all be able to progress your quilts soon.
Check out the story so far by visiting my flickr pages, and choose the ABC set.

I would like to take this opportunity of congratulating Trisha Denholm on her appointment as Ayrshire rep for the Quilters' Guild. If you have not yet joined the Guild, why don't you take a look at their website, here. I am sure Trisha will be a super rep for us and hope you will all give her support.

Lastly, I have fixed a date for this years Open Evening - it will be on Friday 1st April from 7 - 9 in Prestwick Community Centre.(Rooms 9 & 10). If you want to find out more about my classes and workshops, or just want to see the beautiful work that has been done this session, do come along.


  1. Looking at the contrary wife pics makes me want to start another big quilt, they are fabulous! well done to the makers.

  2. I sometimes think I am flogging the same old pattern but the results are always amazing.



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