Monday, 18 April 2011


One thing I have really enjoyed about blogging is seeing all the modern stuff out there, I find it all so refreshing and inspiring.
 In January I bought myself a charm pack, Authentic by Sweetwater, for Moda............never really got into pre-cuts so I have just looked at my charm pack a few times and popped it back in its drawer. But, last week, I bought some co-ordinating plains, (or solids!) and made this runner.........originally to be for my double-width chest of drawers but will now be put to use on my kitchen table, when it's finished.

So - does it qualify as modern??

Today, I managed to piece the centre circle on my BLG block - it really is quite a few years since I did such intricate piecing and I did a bit of unpicking when joining the segments together - I might have got on better if I had read Lynne's instructions before rather than's a wee bit wibbly wobbly, but I am quite happy with it.

Lastly, I seem to have picked up a couple of new followers this week - welcome , great having you onboard, hope you'll call back often.


  1. The BLG is fantastic and Christmassy; and you are definitely 'down with the kids' with your modern ways, the runner looks excellent!

  2. That table runner is just gorgeous - definitely modern!! The colour palette is really lovely, totally my taste, I'll have to check out Authentic now :-) I started using precuts lately and they are definitely handy if you have a good pattern for them, but they can be a little limiting. And your BLG is great!

  3. I think thats modern. It's the look that drew me to quilting. I've just cut out almost the same thing for a baby quilt.

  4. Oooh I love Authentic - that table runner looks modern to me but who am I to say what's modern LOL

  5. Love your BLG block - it's so perfect for the Christmas season (although I am desperate for spring right now, myself)!

  6. Your table runner is going to be beautiful :)

  7. Crikey Sheila - who knows what modern really means? I will avoid the controversy of a debate and just say I love the table runner blocks. The festive BLG is lovely too.

  8. Yes, your runner is modern - and it looks great!


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