Friday, 14 December 2012

Tick, tick, tick tick..................................

I can't believe it's almost two weeks since my last post. I have been off the blogging radar for a few weeks now, no dramatic reason, just feeling a bit harassed and had to let something go for a while - missed it though.
I have a few little crafty makes to share.
Two are related to the Bee that I am excited to be involved in. You might remember our name - Bee A Brit Stingy. We started off getting to know each other by swapping pincushions. This week our Secret Santa parcels have been sent and are trickling in, at the mercy of the Christmas Post!
We all decided to make mini fabric hampers following the lovely Ayumi's much followed tutorial.
I sent mine off on Monday, can't say who it has gone to yet, still in the post.
I got my parcel earlier in the week from Catherine at SewWonderful Life - rotten picture, I had to finally resort to a bit of flash - can you see the teeny sewing machine that I got inside my hamper? Thank you Catherine, love it.

I finished a cardi for little Ava - I am a useless knitter, takes me forever. Luckily, it fits her, but maybe not for long!!

I made a Christmas stocking for Ava too - 
just need to add some jingle bells and it is done. My OH commented as I was making it that I was creating a little heirloom for her - woohoo, he gets it!!
Next up is another poor quality pic; of my EPP Christmas Star - I started this at my recent Hexie workshop and intend to applique it onto a red background before transforming it into a cushion - perhaps for next Christmas?? I got the idea for fussy cutting the little cats from this quilt - isn't it glorious?

The Stingy Bees have not just been making little hampers - oh no - there are 13 of us in  Bee A Brit Stingy - 12 Bees and Helen, our invaluable admin support!! So to show our gratitude, the 12 Bees embarked upon Project 007 and we made her a mini Friendship Star quilt. It arrived this week and I think she liked it!!

Two more finishes this week. The first one was my Chinese Whispers wall hanging (you know the secret one that I can't talk about until 2014) - passed it on to number 3 in our group.
And my classes all finished up for Christmas break too. 
Tomorrow sees us making a trip up the lovely Ayrshire coast to deliver family pressies.
And then we are down to one week, and counting.................................................


  1. No time for blogging I'd say Sheila! Great makes all!

  2. Well Ava's all set for Christmas now, how about the rest of you? ;o)

  3. Wow, you have been awffy busy! Great makes, I'm sure the stocking especially will be a big hit :-)

  4. Glad you liked it Sheila. Love all of your makes

  5. Gosh, no wonder you aren't blogging. you have no time. It is going to be an extra special Christmas for your family this year though, with Ava ruling the roost. Enjoy!

  6. You have been so busy, no wonder you haven't had time to blog. Lots of great things to show for your busy time so it';s been worth the blogging break.

  7. I love Project 007, thank you! Sorry about the awful photo, though - it gets wonkier each time I see it! I love all the stuff for Ava and the cushion with the leaping cats is fabulous! Have fun delivering pressies!

  8. no wonder you haven't had time to blog! I hadn't blogged for 2 weeks either, but don't have anything much to show for it! Love those mini fabric hampers.

  9. Lucky Ava and lucky me! Thanks Sheila for my basket. Di x

  10. Doesn't the time fly in! Lovely makes, and a great idea for H! Jxo

  11. It sounds like you have a wonderful holiday season planned, and such nice swaps too. I love the friendship stars you all sent to Helen.

  12. Such kindness and lovliness all around!
    Helen deserves her little treat...the friendship stars are exquisite. And what a delightful finish to the cardi. Ava will look very sweet...oh... and thankyou for the kitty widget on your side bar...made me smile!

  13. Lovely makes for Ava. You did a wonderful job on Helen's quilt for us. Have a wonderful Christmas xx


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