Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Flaming June

It really has been, here in the West of Scotland, we have been enjoying wall to wall sunshine and some people even think it might be summer.
Despite the beautiful weather I managed to get stuff done, mainly finishing off FAL projects, keeping up with Bee Blocks and Soy Amado blocks (I think Alison is up at quilt no. 46, go look!). I also got a bit obsessed with tidying and sorting my stash but will leave the details for another time.
I made a second big Churn Dash cushion which was well received, and a set of matching play patches for GD, I started a couple of small projects that I can't share just at the moment and finished a quilt which will be gifted on Sunday for my niece's 18th.

I have enjoyed June, and hope you have too. Schools are now on holiday up here so that means I only have six weeks left until my classes start back and then it'll be Christmas before we know it. As always, linking to Lynne's Fresh Sewing Day.


  1. Wow - such fabulous projects! I can't pick a favourite!

  2. What wonderful makes!!! I love that churn dash cushion, no wonder it was well received!

  3. really lovely work sheila, all those fab brights, it feels *whispers* summery!

  4. Why was it cold and wet here while yu got summer? Thanks for sending the sunshine back. Again you have accomplished tonnes. Impressively.

  5. Gorgeous June! You made beautiful goodies there, Mrs Scotland. Do the wee dolly quilts get gifted straight away or are they being held back for a special surprise?
    Adore that Churn Dash Cushion...love how it curves and the colours are so restful.
    Guess you wont be doing much sewing if Mr Scotland goes further in the Wimbledon tennis thingy.
    Good luck!

  6. What a busy and colourful month you had!! Hope the sun sticks around for a while longer...we could do with some rain so feel free to send any south!

  7. June is a wonderful month and you seem to have been enormously productive. Lots of lovelies to look at.

  8. A very productive month and lots of beautiful finishes. I love the churn dash cushion. It's almost a year ago since I was there, so pleased to see you have had nice sunny weather this year too.

  9. Thank you for killing summer off... ;o) The nice makes might brighten my day enough though

  10. Yeah a successful month of makes there!



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