Wednesday, 18 January 2012

It's not about the taking part................'s all about the winning,lol. I finished the Peeps quilt on Monday night, just about the time Lynne posted details of a competition over at Aurifl threads. So I thought, what the heck! I'll submit my quilt. Apparently it's ok to shamelessly ask friends to vote for your quilt so please pop over and vote for me even tho there are tons of better quilts on show.
These are the prizes on offer -
I did hope for a bit of sunshine to show off The Peeps but it's dull and raining - no surprise there, then!
 the front
the back
and my close up fmq - have to show it off, not perfect but I am pleased with it.

and now for something completely different, but well worth winning:-
Ali, over at Very Berry Handmade has a wonderful giveaway linked to New Year resolutions. I have been reading several bloggers' resolutions and have been thinking about it all morning. It would be fairly easy to make a nice long list and then promptly do little or nothing to achieve the goals set out. So, my aim is sort of back to front - I am going to try not to take on too many new projects this year and to reduce my Christmas makes to just a few, for special friends. I have a notion to make my son a new quilt and have fallen for Circa 1934 by Cosmo Cricket so that idea is festering in my mind. So far this year I have joined Rhonda's Finish a Long which I think is concentrating my resolve to clear up those UFOs. And, I jumped into the Mouthy Stitches Swap, how could I not?
So why don't you visit Ali's blog and leave a comment, you might win one of the fabulous prizes on offer. I think I fancy this one -

or maybe,
Good luck!


  1. Great work Sheila - you have been busy ;o)

  2. I love your quilt and all that wonderful quilting! I will jump through the facebook hoops on the weekend and then vote, it is a lovely prize and I hope you win.

  3. I love your Peeps quilt Sheila and your FMQ...that`s what I love about quilting...that we both used the same line of fabric (albeit in a different colourway) and they are so different! Must pop over and do the resolutions thing too.

  4. Love the quilting on the Peeps quilt. Good luck with the Aurifl comp :)

  5. You can have my vote too! I love the quilt.

  6. Good luckx
    The quilt looks fantastic, bring on the baby!!

  7. You've got one of my votes, lol. I really love this quilt - good luck!

  8. You've got one of my votes, lol. I really love this quilt - good luck!

  9. Love the Peeps, good luck! I'd say good luck in Ali's competition too, but I'm also after that prize ;o)

  10. Love the quilt - the quilting really add life and movement to it, it's fabulous! Off to vote!

  11. Great FMQ - looks perfect to me!

    Love your sentiment! Hope you win then! Unless of course I enter....?


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