Friday, 27 January 2012

Profanity Block

So there I was last night at sewing bee - (me and a few friends have been meeting on Thursdays for 20+ years, sewing, knitting, quilting) -  and I was telling a tale of an email I had received from a bloggy pal containing a sweary word that was so in context and made me laugh out loud. This then reminded me of an email I had sent my son at work containing such a word. It was returned to me because of a "Profanity Block" (I then received a mild rebuke from said son).
Anyway, quick as a flash, Lorna from Outside Inspiration,  with the benefit and speed of a youthful mind, said, "is that a new patchwork block"..........
..........which got me thinking - have you a block that reduces you to profanity??
In today's shop class, this block had that effect -


  1. It might make you feel that way but I would love to see a quilt full of them.

  2. So pleased the **!!*$$£** block made it on to your blog!!! Although what did this block do to deserve the title?? :D

  3. I cuss like a sailor, especially when I poke myself with pins. I %@&#%#' hate when that happens!

  4. It is nice, profanity and all.

  5. ROFL, what did it do to offend? It looks so innocent!

  6. Ha I had to check back to see whether it was one of my emails, lol.
    You know how much I love paper piecing, that always makes me swear.
    I love the block, so it was worth the profanity.

  7. Oh Shiela - I can't imagine you swearing! The block looks quite innofensive, but there again I wouldn't know where to start!

  8. Oh Shiela - I can't imagine you swearing! The block looks quite innofensive, but there again I wouldn't know where to start!

  9. Oh Shiela - I can't imagine you swearing! The block looks quite innofensive, but there again I wouldn't know where to start!

  10. I have one favourite proffanity that always makes me feel better! And I have had several blocks where said proffanity has come in handy

  11. What did the poor block do to be so troublesome?! I've not yet discovered my profanity block but I know it's out there...lurking...and rubbing its hands with glee at the thought of all the trouble it's going to cause!

  12. Oh my bee blocks which came up too small and I had to redo them! Gahhh. Love that you swear Sheila!

  13. I LOVE the idea of a profanity block!! For me it's more particular days where all the little bugg#rs are profanity blocks rather than a specific block design!

  14. I'm sat here wondering if that was my email you were talking about because I remember you telling me about your email to your son. I have lots of swearing quilty blocks and methods. Helps the process along as far as I can tell.

  15. Curves will do it for me, every time! Jxo

  16. Oh I think it is #**!ing marvellous!


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